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Given Current Technological Capability:
It is astonishing that most reporting of piracy is after the attack has happened. This does not help to prevent attacks.
A piracy attack is a dynamic event testing a captain's competency and reactivity.
Despite the evolution of communications at sea, the captain is an isolated leader. His or her job requires quick decisions concerning a wide variety of situations.
If the situation allows, he can try to establish a telephone connection but, once the handset is hung up, he becomes again, isolated.
Our technology enables the captain to trigger electronic countermeasures against the pirate ships.
Mode of Pirate Attack
Pirate teams are composed usually of 6 to 8 persons.
The attack is normally on slow-
Usually, the attack takes place from either quarter or the stern, mainly in the cover of twilight.
For attacks during the day, the approach will be directed utilizing the sun’s position in order to exploit the limited visibility.
Pirates often avoid launching attacks during the night except in the cases of clear sky and full moon.
Electronic Counter-
The equipment of E-
This can be jammed effectively disabling their communication.
The E-
GPS Spoofing
GPS spoofing isn’t to be confused with GPS jamming. GPS jamming happens when equipment block GPS signals altogether.
The basic idea of spoofing is simple. Create fake stronger GPS satellite signals
and fool or spoof the pirate’s GPS receiver into tracking the stronger fake signals
under E-
The pirate's receiver will not show signs of foul play, but they will simply show
them to be where E-
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